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February 04, 2013



The implications of the change are so profound that at first we can only get frustration as to the change of the model we have been living so far. Day by day traditional business models are broken, disintermediation spreads, dissipation of rents continues unabated, unequality grows, knowledge innovation jumps everywhere but all this now destroy more than create jobs. And will continue to do so. We need to think unconventionally. There is no way all world population will move apace to the technological change. We need to get a simpler life: consume less, live with less, as we really never needed much of what we have! Or share jobs, multiemployment, or multitasking without a formal employment contract, etc,...That will be the only way forward, in short term, for a huge part of the world population. Other segments will quickly adapt and lead the wave. As the book suggest, "we cannot compete against the machines, but work with the machines, creating spaces in which human intelligence will not be challenged,,,". But this is out of reach for the majority. Welcome to the MIT initiative and keen to follow on their progress and recommendations.

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