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February 08, 2010



I would be very interested in attending your Imperial College presentation. When will it take place?

Irving Wladawsky

JP, here is the link to the Design London event, which is open to the public, on Tuesday, 16 February at 6:30 pm - http://www.designlondon.net/content.php?c=89. It should be very interesting.


Thank you so much. I have already reserved a place. See you there.

John Sanchez Chirinos

A la fecha la administración Pública de los países en vías de desarrollo estan fomentando el uso de las TICS con el fin de agilizar los trámites burocráticos, el gran problema que se enfrentan es que los funcionarios públicos no tienen la formación tecnica adecuada para actualizarse frente a los cambios, esto por el desinteres de las Universidades de fomentar la interrelación de sus carreras con las nuevas tecnologías, no existe pues un plan que involucre el sector educativo que permita la inclusión tecnológica.

"...To capture such expertise, companies need to implement a more collaborative approach to innovation involving employees at all levels of the company. They need to reach out to customers, business partners and others in their external ecosystem who will often be the top sources of new ideas. In today's fast-moving and highly competitive world, there exist a lot more capabilities for innovation in the marketplace than a company, no matter how big and powerful, can create on its own.

Our new abilities for applying science, technology and innovation to services will hopefully result in major advances..."

Congratulations Dr. Irwing Wladawsky-Berger¡

John Sanchez Chirinos
Internet Law and Crime Computer
[email protected]
Lima- Perú


When I first heard of the term "service scicence", I got intereseted and checked it online but I did't get a quite clear picture. Thanks for inviting this topic and the contrast made between the industrial and service economies, it makes a lot of sense to me.
It seems that anything with humanity invloved in becomes complex and difficult to take control. Physical products are easier to make while customer-centered service is hard to design; a physical product is easier to be valued as useful or not while it's hard to put a black or white upon a corporation and business. On the other hand, humanity introduces a better life and better customer experience which benefit us in the new economy. It is exciting to see all the changes for better take place and the evolution happens in this coming decade.

Henry Engler


Thank you very much for sharing your framework with us. When I consider all three categories and how they relate to many large, complex service companies, it would appear that we have a long, long way to go, particularly in terms of organizational structure and innovation in the marketplace.

I can best relate your framework to financial services which is considerably far behind in meeting some of the objectives you have laid out, at least for the largest financial institutions.

You will perhaps have noticed that there is growing customer dissatisfaction with the services provided by some of these large institutions, a fact that owes much to a view of the customer as more of a commodity in the supply chain than a real individual.

I truly believe that there is much work to be done, and consequently much value to be unlocked, in an industry that operates more as a traditional industrial firm than an advanced services organization in the 21st century.

Many thanks,

Henry Engler

Irving Wladawsky-Berger

I agree totally. The notion of customer experience and customer services as a key design objective sounds simple, but in fact it is very revolutionary. We are still stuck in the industrial age, even for services oriented industries like finance. Lots of new innovation to do here.

Jim Spohrer

As you point out, the challenge is designing complex systems that (1) have people inside, (2)interact with customers, and (3) depend on networks of other such systems. Three incredibly complex sources of variability, not under the control of the designer, who is trying to ensure sustained value creation as all the parts interact.

Divide and conquer approaches are practical for gaining local improvements, but more holistic approaches are needed to address global improvements, sustainability, and resilience to external shocks.

Thanks for your continued efforts to communicate the grand challenges associated with service science.

Business Support Expert

The world is moving from a technology to a know how driven strategy. This is why the service industry is playing the dominant role in sustaining desired lifestyles. Learning and growth vests in a business's human capital, information capital and organizational capital. Aligning and integrating these with the management and business processes needed to satisfy customer needs is what creates innovation, profitability and good service. Your categorization under the headings focus, design objectives and organization and culture, nicely consolidate what is required to provide a good service in the market place.

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