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July 14, 2008



Dear Irving
I have been following your blog since two and half years. It found it very useful and conveys a significant amount of good ideas. I really apreciate your comments on innovation with twist of human sensitivity. You write on several topics going through your mind and your latest exposures....wonderful.
I was impressed on your comments about how you maintain alive this blog. Significant amount of thinking and artisan work to deliver a smooth and educating text. In the past even I tought you have a couple of editors helping you. How wrong I was. All the credit is yours.
Please keep up this excellent job to nurish us with your experience and selective topics.
Un abrazo

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Cloud computing

A well written article. I've been keeping my finger on the pulse of cloud computing for a good few years now and as you state, I too expect an explosion in its use. People just need to be more educated and less hesitant about the technology for them to accept it. I know many cite security as a big issue.
Who knows, one day we might be able to draw on magnificent processing power with incredibly simple, cheap machines. People just need to let cloud computing into their lives.


Hoodia Guy

It's been a couple of months now that I had read good articles on the internet and I could say this blog is one of the finest blog content on the net nowadays. I am thinking that when people started to realize that there a vast of useful content about information technology, health and others. Like this blog, If we put cloud computing into our lifestyle we can be able to understand how might people can draw more efficient ideas.

Hoodia Guy

It's good see a vast of useful contents nowadays on the net. With Mr. Irving's idea of cloud computing, it is satisfactorily a fine idea that can make readers think or even realize how some blog content can really be that useful in letting reader's draw their own ideas and even putting these ideas into their lifestyle.

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