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August 13, 2007



I would sure like to stop by for a taste of the teachings sometime.

Makio Yamazaki

To stay competitive, it would be necessary to improve the agility and communications by breaking down internal barriers and improving collaboration、I mean.

Matt Bowman

Hi Irving. This comment comes from Laszlo Kovari in Budapest, via AlwaysOn:

Engineers are specialists.
The better specialists they are, the less they integrate.
Managers are integrating specialists.
These need to be integrated by specialized integrators (these are the ones who integrate not only within the organization, but between it, and the environment, too...including customers)
And last, but of course not least there is the main integrator,
who integrates all these players.

"You" need all these players in an organization...depending on your own role within it, you need some more than others.

But first of all you need the right organization where everybody is positioned where they should be, doing what they should be.

In such an organization innovation is a side effect

Naturally mechanical best practices alone (without the right organization, without the right amount of integration) do not breed innovation.

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These need to be integrated by specialized integrators (these are the ones who integrate not only within the organization, but between it, and the environment, too...including customers)

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To stay competitive, it would be necessary to improve the agility and communications by breaking down internal barriers and improving collaboration、I mean.

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I would sure like to stop by for a taste of the teachings sometime.

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"You" need all these players in an organization...depending on your own role within it, you need some more than others.

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These need to be integrated by specialized integrators (these are the ones who integrate not only within the organization, but between it, and the environment, too...including customers)


great posting: thanks for sharing that.

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"You" need for all these actors in an organization ... according to their own role within it, you need some more than others.

But before all you need rights organization that puts everyone where they should be, doing what they should be.

In innovation, an organization is a side effect

Naturally, the best mechanical practices alone (without the right organization, without the proper amount of integration) do not breed innovation.

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