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March 12, 2022


James Drogan

This is provocative and welcomed.

Perhaps a discussion group on this subject should be started at the library.


gregorio martin quetglas

Three notes from Spain (from Europe) from a retired CS professor, in case it starts the debate:
1) The present time is defined pr the performance of three nationalisms: USA, China and Russia. This lack of nationalism puts the European Union in a weaker situation.
2) Mr. Pueyo does not consider the most serious problem facing the present generation, the climate crisis.
3) Talking about blockchain without considering its energy needs may be an incongruity.
I would love to see the debate possible.

Tim Dunn

Great article, I particularly enjoyed the description of the Catholic Church’s power pre Gutenberg and how technology changed peoples thoughts and behaviours. The face off between Facebook and the Australian government last year shows the power of these global corporations that absorb huge amounts of personal information and use it to control what we are fed. Who knows where this is all heading. No one government has the power to control the mega corporations of today, so powerful and wide reaching have they become.

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