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September 09, 2013


Howard Richmond

Thought provoking analysis of technology.market dynamics. Two thought provoking books are The Death of Distance on telecom revolution and The Long View on Shell's use of scenario building to identify major disruptions at their incipient stage.

Alec Wilder

Irving, good to see this blog. I tried to subscribe but the link did not work.

Not sure if you would remember, but we met in my ISG days about the time of good old "fort Knox" system. I think you were in research at the time.

I am not really wanting to post this comment on the article, which i really like, but would like to include the analogy of comparing SAAS to the old time sharing days of IBM.
Talk about holding on to old technologies while watching a new one sweep you away (wang), how about IBM losing the communications battle by holding on to SNA while tcp/ip ran off with the gold meadal.
Anyway, i look forward to reading more of your observations.

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