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December 05, 2011



I agree with Chesborough that OI can deliver a new value/benefit to the markets, becasue the model involves contribution from customers in a way that wasn't implemented before (there is a substantial difference between OI and insights from focus groups) - at least that is what I believe is the idea behind the summary. But confronting the idea of open innovation with the first commodity trap cause: "Manufacturing and business process knowledge and insights are widely distributed(...)" doesn't OI seem to fall in the same trap? Moreover the mentioned business forcess seem to be indeed the outcome of commodity differentiation and consequently the outcome of the style of consuming (I would love to hear an argument that the forces are not the way of giving the consumers what they need). Hence, the big question is - will open innovation change the way of global consumption? Maybe the answer lies in a closer explanation of concpt 1: "Creating a complete experience for your customers or an experience that is as complete as one you are able to envision offering".

The idea of rethinking business and making it a service offering is very interesting, but I am not sure what is the key substantial factor that makes a business service oriented. Must it be open innovation?

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