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November 24, 2008


Michael Saunby

For me, this all makes more sense if I flip the roles around.

It's nice to imagine that businesses are driven to survive, most of us spend far more of our lives in employment than in education, so secure employment seems like a good idea.

Similarly we'd like to imagine that universities strive to prepare students for the challenges ahead.

However, from a UK perspective at least, the roles seem reversed. Our universities change only slowly and survive, even thrive, over centuries seeing the birth and death of industrialisation and much, much more. Whilst businesses have a life much the same as the working life of their founder. Though those founders often strive to make real change - unlike the universities.

Of course religions can survive, far, far longer. Which I don't really consider a big gain, but these things have their fans.

Christopher Calvin

Mr. Wladawsky-Berger, thank you for a thoughtful and thought-provoking article. I hope that it becomes a key element of conversation at Babson (my alma mater) and other schools of business. I have been frustrated by the short-term-ism of current management practice. Not just CEO's/CFO's/COO's/other C's but mainly boards that continually encourage and outrageously reward short term objectives while ignoring long-term risk and reward. I will to my best to spread the wisdom of your article.


thanks ,,

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