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November 20, 2005


Neil Ward-Dutton

I absolutely agree Irving. And I'm glad to see someone else pick up on this! I was starting to think I was the only one who thought Ross was getting a bit carried away... see my response at: www.mwdadvisors.com/blog/2005/11/business-process-confusion-once-more.html

Vinnie Mirchandani

The best processes are light ones. To that end, I have to agree with Ross. Process is like spell check software. You know when it has not be used, but few customers want to pay much for it. The customer POV has been forgotten as we lather our processes with technology, expensive labor, security and compliance ...it's time for Business Process Angioplasty as I write in this blog


Charles  Bess

I was in a meeting with Thomas Friedman the other day and your point is one of the areas we discussed about our flattening world.
Maintaining our networks is a key capability for many of us in having a diverse and agile perspective that can solve problems with innovative solutions.

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