MIT professor emeritus Rodney Brooks has been posting an annual Predictions Scorecard in since January 1, 2018, where he predicts future milestones in three technology areas: AI and robotics, self driving cars, and human space travel. He also reviews the actual progress in each of these areas to see how his past predictions have held up. On January 1 he posted his 2025 Predictions Scorecard.
Two weeks ago I discussed Brooks’ predictions on “The Future of AI and Robotics.” I now want to discuss his predictions on The Future of Self-driving Cars and Robotaxis.
Fully autonomous vehicle (AVs) may well be the quintessential symbol of our AI/robotics age. Cars are a major part of our daily lives. Unlike other AI and robotics applications, a self-driven vehicle is a concept that requires little explanation, — something we can all quickly grasp. It wasn’t that long ago that the notion of an AV driving us around while we read or sleep would have felt like the stuff of science fiction. This is no longer the case.
Brooks wrote that “the definition, or common understanding, of what self driving cars really means has changed since my post on predictions seven years ago. At that time self driving cars meant that the cars would drive themselves to wherever they were told to go with no further human control inputs. Now self driving cars means that there is no one in the drivers seat, but there may well be, as is the case in all cases so far deployed, humans monitoring those cars from a remote location, and occasionally sending control inputs to the cars.”
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