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July 30, 2014



I could not agree more with the last paragraph of your post. The world will probably look different than any of the three scenario's for the future we've been working with. Maybe even more thanks to them, then despite them.

At my company (a Dutch Insurance group) we have been working on, and increasingly with, three scenario's for 2035, to enable ourselves to prepare for what could happen and more so to guide us in developing services that help our Customers to navigate in uncertain times.

These scenario's don't only look into the digital aspects, but also the social, economic and demographic aspects. All three scenario's hold elements of what the PEW report tells us, and more. They do not give answers though, because making detailed predictions on future events that far out, is just not something humankind is good at..

The scenario-summaries have been made publicly available at our corporate website: http://www.deltalloydgroep.com/en/press/news/2014/your-world-in-2035-future-scenarios/

Let me know what you think.

With highest regards,

Wim Rampen

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