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November 14, 2011


Tom Foremski

I, too am an optimist but that doesn't mean that we won't carve a hellish future for ourselves. Digital technologies have greatly improved the productive capacity of our society to the extent that we don't need everyone working to produce the goods and services we need. What's the point in teaching everyone to program for example? Or to master other essential skills when only a relatively small number of those people are needed? Surely we need to rethink, re-engineer our world where GDP measures aren't the metric for success especially since we all know that they aren't.

What type of world will we have when everything becomes 100 times cheaper and 100 times better? That's where our manufacturing technologies are headed. Shouldn't we be planning now for that future? Social engineering then becomes more important than all other types of engineering. (Let's take it away from the domain of malware distributors :)



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