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May 05, 2008



This is exactly why I'm so proud to work for IBM.

I remember your graciously agreeing to be the debut speaker in a series I launched at IBM in 1997 of leaders from historically-underrepresented groups, speaking on "How to Be an IBM Leader."

I invited Maria Hernandez of IBM's LatinNet employee resource group to co-sponsor it with me (and EAGLE@IBM, IBM's GLBT employee resource group), since you are Hispanic.

You knew the messages to convey to the Latino and Latina attendees, but met with Maria and me ahead of time and asked both of us in any case, "What would be helpful for me to say?"

I responded, "Just say the words, 'gay and lesbian' when you're talking about the value of including people from historically-underrepresented groups."

You did, a number of times, during your talk and I loved you for that, and other reasons, too, which you're already famous for...and I also love seeing how consistent you are, with this blog entry more than a decade after that event.

Sarah Siegel

Oops, I meant to include my name in my entry above, about your remarks on "How to Be an IBM Leader."

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