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July 31, 2006


James  Governor

time for a rebranding? time for Open SSME... share those insights and make a community out of them

Makio Yamazaki

In the 20th century "mass-marketing systems" have been established in the enterprises.
But the operation system almost means the mechanism to manage business
in order to reduce the cost.
But profit means the revenue minus cost.
The typical management system in the 20th century
became the mechanism of the back-stage.
However, the environment changes, each system is causing insufficiency
because of "The World is Flat".
We should consider the front-stage, I mean.

Manjit Syven Birk

What jumps out at me in this dialogue is your description of hard back end and soft front end. That does not align with my real world practice. In reality the hard pieces are on the front end and the soft exists in the progressive science. We assume that hard means factual and that soft indicates the art and relationship skill. Hard in my mind is simply the mechanical and soft is organic. I define soft as intelligence and hard as academic, perceptual and intellectual. It is a subtlety that allows great minds to get beyond mental blocks of thinking that creates new discovery in biology, chemistry and physics.

It is a disservice to call engineering and scientific disciplines hard. The hard edge of reality is the bottom line and the compromises and properties of the marketplace. We know that the bottom line has a hard edge because it is the chief reason why technical people get angry with marketers. This cultural conflict between marketing and technologists is one where marketers are seen as the bone headed people who don't appreciate or are unable to convey the true value within engineering or technological development.

Where marketing succeeds is integrating intelligence into markets which is hardly what the 20th Century was acclaimed for considering that it contained two of the most mechanical points of human history in the form of two World Wars. Here is the principal redefinition I want to advocate here - Intelligence is "soft", markets (environment) is "hard". The moment we say that engineering is "hard discipline" and understanding markets are the "soft skills"; we enter or at least yield to a mechanical rather than organic view of the world.

Scientific progress is usually stymied by the mechanical while the way traditional marketing approaches customers is highly mechanical and hardly organic. In terms of organic, the way I interpret the world is exemplified by the word "organization". What gets lost in the hard and soft language is the degree of mechanization within business. The mechanics of marketing include many processes that are hard edged and brutal, these processes address the existing environment where intelligence remains "unextracted". There is an organic customer relationship which does exist and it is extracted via intelligence from a market environment.

The top percentile of the best marketers and sales people use an organic approach to markets but what gets lost in the talk of hard disciplines is that the word "hard" is interpreted as being an intelligence. When we are shaped by environment that is "hard", soft is the intelligence that shapes that environment and makes it organic. It is a disservice to engineering and scientific development to refer to it as “hard”. The hard exists, it always will because we live on a round shaped rock, but this rock supports infinite soft intelligence called life.

When I read that man is made in the image of God, it is this dominion of intelligence which we have been given ownership for, when mankind becomes “hard” it stops seeing infinite intelligence and turns intelligence into a product called intellectual discourse or a mechanical service.

My viewpoint here is meant to be "soft", for when I get time to look at it, I might well find many “hard edges” in it that tell me that I am must continue to improve the growth of my intelligence. After all I do believe that intelligence is the gift we have been given the capacity to extract from a living rather than dead or mechanical environment. "Image" therefore is an extraction of intelligence not the mechanization that it has become today and this intelligence is stored in every form of existence whether it be scientific or artistic (the extraction).


Makio Yamazaki

Global business has spent the last 40 years automating
every corporate function that is worth "automating", "process reengineering", and so on.

From now we would consider the front-stage that means
"customer -needs driven applications(collollaboration/ network community)".

The reason why I might consider the "Services" from the viewpoint of
not only "business needs" but also "Life-cycle", I mean.

Manjit Syven Birk

Academia is among the purest service industries, it is the ultimate frontstage. What better candidate is there to test and transform through service science.


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