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April 10, 2006


Alex Osterwalder

It is extremely interesting to read about this CEO focus on business model innovation. In fact, I have been thinking for quite a while how my own research on business model concepts would allow to build a software tool to foster business model design and innovation...

Who at IBM would I have to contact to present my ideas and work about a Computer Aided Design (CAD) tool for business model innovation? Some ideas about this on my blog at:


With warm regards from Lausanne, Switzerland, Alex

Used Refurbished Laptops

This ThinkPad T40 has been awesome. Had for a decent price. There was a problem with the main board about 4 months down the road and customer service couldn't have been better. I spoke with someone in America, and they overnighted everything. The entire process only took 3 days from placing the service call to getting back and running.


Classroom Driver Education (OL237 or DL387)

refurbished computers

i like dell because they have a very efficient operation, and I can be sure that any problems will be quickly resolved. The cost of days wasted waiting for a computer to be repaired is an unacceptable cost, and would keep me away from buying from smaller manufacturers.

Interesting way of looking at things. First time reading your blog, hi! Check out my website/blog for more info on me if you want, I'll definitely keep you on my fav list.

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