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February 22, 2006


Makio Yamazaki


Today the Internet brings an information flood to us.
And so we seek to discover a jewel from the inside of the information flood.
I mean the role of mathmatics would be more and more important than ever before.
As more of the world's information is pooled into mathematics,
the realm of numbers becomes an ever larger meeting ground.
Mathmatics might bring the new workload of "High-Performance Computing".

Eli Kuslansky

Dr. Wladawsky-Berger, I've been reading your blog with great interest - especially about your advocacy for next generation interfaces that are more intuitive. We are working (with potential partnerships with IBM) in many of the fields you mentioned from knowledge mapping to healthcare to financial services and simulations. As Craig Barrett, former CEO of Intel said: "Unified Field is the leader in 4D Visualization". We are talking with your cell group, but I thought it worthwhile to let you know of our existence. You are one of our heros.
Best, Eli Kuslansky
Managing Partner
Unified Field

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