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November 12, 2012


Marie Kenerson

"I believe that the kind of extensive collaboration between the private sector, academia and government represented by the Internet revolution will be the way we will generally tackle big problems in the 21st century." The challenge we see is to define what collaboration means, best practices for collaboration and learning among entities, as well as analytics and metrics.


I have clients and associates that would find the article helpful. Is it ok to forward the article without getting into trouble? Usually the articles are sent out to the public as a newsletter or an rss feed. I am not changing it or hiding the author, simple sending and saying "this might be of interest to you.".

Irving Wladawsky-Berger

Jalbert, please feel free to forward the article.


Ilya Rudakov

Nice blog.And good analysis. The main challenge here is the following (imho): The trickle-down appoach implies the target (or objective, final destination whatever)explicitly, which is not true with trickle-up one. We don't know what we will get in the end, and where is that "end" is...At least it looks like this...

Martin McKenna

Fascinating blog as usual. My worry however that this new model of extensive collaboration between industry, academia and government may lead to a commercial and health related focus just on the next generation toys and gadgets and extending the lifespan of increasingly dependent elderly (and I'm shortly to join them!).

Who is going to dream the next big dream?
Who is going to pay for it?

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